Simple Concept Endless Complications

Waconia Lake homes go fly fishing in your back yard

As a new Waconia Rotarian I am enjoying the weekly speakers and conversations that we have at every Rotary meeting.  When Paul Johnson a long time Rotarian and former Mayor of Waconia did a presentation on fly fishing and demonstrated fly making, I was skeptical at first but after watching  this complicated process I was in awe!

Using a vice, colored threads and animal hairs, Paul weaves his magic! Making "hoppers, cripples and flys" it was really interesting to watch and to hear how each is used.  It looks like a relaxing process, yet to make the flys is a little complicated.    Simple Concept Endless Complications---- sound like a metaphor for life?  it is and a metaphor for fly fishing!!  Love it want to try it!

There are 10,0000+ Lakes here in  Minnesota, and Lake Waconia  in my back yard.  I think I am missing out on a really terrific experience.  Paul says fly fishing is good on Lake Waconia.
