In this day and age we all want to save money.  It's the new normal. Gone are the days of conspicuous consumption, so you might wonder why do you need a realtor to help you buy a home?  Thinking can’t I save on the commission and do it myself?   Here are three reasons off the top of my head as to why you absolutely, positively need an agent to help you buy a home.

   First, you will save money using an agent. Second, you will not waste time handling a real estate purchase on your own.  Finally, you need a neutral party in the transaction. 
     A buyer’s agent is free to the buyer, that’s right, free.  The seller’s agent charges a commission to sell the home.   When the buyer hires a buyer’s agent we split the negotiated commission with the seller.   Free this is only part of the good news, we also save you money.

      You find the house you want.  Your agent goes to work for you, digging for data so you don't have to, looking into liens, assessments,  taxes, historical data, and  hyper-local trends about the market you want to live in.  An agent can recommend a mortage lender, inspector, insurance agent, general contractor or other professionals depending on your need for that particular home sale.  Your agent will interpret all this information and orchestrate the transaction so you don't have to, saving you both time and money.
   The property you choose is your decision.  We are there make sure you are looking at the home from every angle -  the neutral party.  Yes, you are in love with the house, but will your sofa fit in that living room?  Have you budgeted for new appliances that you will need soon if you buy this house?  What it is really like to own a swimming pool in Minnesota?

  Finally, you need to remember the selling agent works for the seller not you.  Now it is certainly legal to have “dual agency," but remember if you do this the seller's agent cannot talk to you about the seller's motivation or need to sell with you.  That is illegal.  The seller's agent can talk about your needs, how to obtain the best terms, draft the paperwork, but some negotiations may be compromised. Here's a quote I like from a fellow buyers agent:  “You would not get divorced and use the same attorney as your spouse, why would you buy a house and use the same agent as the seller?."

   You just got me started, this is my short list of three reasons why you need an agent.  When you're ready to move or know someone who is, please contact me to hear the rest of my list and much more, and by the way I can help you both buy or sell your home.

Marta Beckett
