I am normally a forward thinking person, but with real estate it is important to look at the past.

 Here is a comparison of Carver county cities  Chaska and Waconia  Cities I am familiar with and where I sell a lot of real estate. 

Here are the stats for the 3rd Quarter 2017:

Single family homes were on the market an average of 22 days Metro Wide.  The total number of homes down 23% from the 2nd Quarter.  Waconia and the Metro area down 15%.

The 3rd Quarter Median Sales price:

  •  Metro Wide $256,00
  •  Chaska        $289,000
  •  Waconia      $299,000

The Highest sales price in Waconia in the 3rd Quarter was $875,000 4/3 bath on 18 acres.

The Highest sales price in Chaska in the 3rd Quarter was $658,000,  5/5 on .43 acres.

Do you have any questions about a specific area?  I would love to provide the data you need. Ultimately real estate is local and this data gives you a picture of what is happening in your area. If you would like to know.  Call Me! 612-840-1293.  I would be happy to help.
